„So a little pause, to light a cigarette.“ Klappentext When he turned sixty-five, the playwright Simon Gray began to keep a diary: not a careful honing oft he day’s events with a view to posterity but an account of his thoughts as he had them, honestly, turbulently, disgressively expressed. The Smoking Diaries was the result, in wich one of Britian’s most beloved and original writrs reflected on a life filled with cigaretts (continuing), alcohol (stopped), several triumphs and many more diasters, shame, adultery, friendship and love. Few diarists have been as frank about themselves, and even fewer as entertaining. Übersicht Autor: Simon Gray Verlag: Granta Books Sprache: Englisch Seiten: 241 ISBN: 978-1-86207-723-1 Genre: Autobiographie Reihe: Ja, Band 1 der Smoking Diaries Rezension Als der britische Dramatiker Simon Gray 65 wird, beschließt er ein Tagebuch zu führen. Doch sein Tagebuch soll kein sorgfältig geführtes Werk werde, sondern chaotis...